Sailors have been anchoring the same way for centuries. Interestingly, the process hasn’t really changed much over that time. But with the industry seeking smarter, safer and more sustainable ways to support its lifestyle, anchoring is slowly beginning to catch attention and there is change on the horizon.
Needless to say, we at Swiss Ocean Tech have put much thought into the environmental and safety issues related to anchoring, so we were flattered to be invited to speak during the Genoa International Boat Show at the forum: “How to Rethink the Art of Anchoring: Safety, Environmental challenges and Solutions”.
Together with representatives from a classification association, insurance broker, marina and dynamic anchoring system, we discussed how the challenges surrounding anchoring influence all on the water. As an example, marinas are increasingly trying to come up with solutions on how best to manage the influx of superyachts. There is much discussion around moorings, but many yachts choose to anchor outside of the marina due to size & for reasons of privacy. As extreme weather events increase, so do the incidents surrounding dragging anchors which again influence the reputation of the region and threaten their environments.
One captain invited by the insurance broker recounted how his own personal anchor dragging incident resulted in a written off yacht as well as ample frustration when an unexpected cold front overwhelmed him and his sleeping crew.
If you would like to listen into what Swiss Ocean Tech had to say, follow the link and jump to 01:07:45.